the importance saving money
Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Good morning all the respectable principal, the teachers and all the staff, and my dear beloved friends. Let me to say thank you for this opportunity to deliver my speech in this nice day about saving money. If we have the habit of saving money this will give us a lot of advantages, but this is not easy. Most of us know that it is important to save money, but we let ourselves be carried away by impulses of buying everything that interest us and we do not have a good money management, this can affect our future. Therefore, I would like to give you my view on the advantages of saving money for teenagers. Dear Audience, By saving money, we can have the possibility of enjoying a healthy financial future and reach our plans and goals. What do I mean by this? people who save from a very young age can aspire to a better financial future. Although saving requires short-term sacrifices, after several years of savings and side aside our money, we can en...