
Rubela Semakin Bar Bar

Kalau kita mendengar kata Rubela pasti langsung terbersit dipikiran kita tentang infeksi virus dengan gejala ruam merah yang bermula di wajah, lalu menyebar ke badan dan tungkai. Rubela ini sangat menular, terlebih lagi bagi anak-anak. Gejala Rubela atau Campak Jerman Tahu kah anda Akhir-akhir ini Rubela  sudah masuk di lingkungan sekolah dan  kian populer menyerang dikalangan siswa, bahkan  inilah yang menjadi perhatian serius bagi pemangku kepentingan dibidang pendidikan. Menurut para ahli kedepannya Rubela akan berkembang dengan pesat dan menjangkiti anak-anak didik dari mulai SD, SMP dan SMA bahkan masyarakat umum. Tak pelak kita sebagai pendidik harus selalu mengikuti perkembangan dari Rubela ini agar kita selalu waspada terhadap ancaman-ancaman serius yang menyerang peserta didik kita. Kalau kita berbicara tentang masa depan, kita pasti pernah mendengar Revolusi industri 4.0. Bany ak kalangan yang sebenarnya belum mengetahui arti sesungguhnya dari revolusi industri ...

Pidato Bahasa inggris tentang pengorbanan untuk sukses

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb The honorable headmaster of SMA N 1 Belitang Jaya, the honorable all teacher and administration staff of SMA N 1 Belitang Jaya and all my beloved friends First of all let’s Pray and gratitude to ALLAH SWT for blessing and mercy, so we can gather here in good condition. Salawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who brought us from the darkness to the brightness era. Albert Einstein ever said  “Don’t be a success person but be a valuable person. When we can be a valuable person, absolutely, we can be a success person too” Alright, in this opportunity, I am going to deliver my speech entitled   “Success needs sacrifice” . As the candidates of successful person in the future, Success is very important for us. Trying to be successful person is very advantages for all of us. Success makes our level higher than the other. When we are reaching our success, we and our family will feel happy anytime. We will never feel sad anymore, because the ot...

Pidato Bahasa Inggris tentang pentingnya hidup sehat

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb. Yang terhormat Kepala SMA Negeri 1 Belitang Jaya, yang terhormat wakil kepala SMA Negeri 1 Belitang Jaya, Yang terhormad bapak ibu guru dan staff Tata Usaha SMA Negeri 1 Belitang Jaya dan teman temanyang saya cintai. Puji syukur kita Panjatkan kehadirat Allah SWT, karena atas rahmat dan karunianya kita bisa bersama-sama melaksnakan upacara bendera setiap hari senin. Shalawat dan salam tak lupa kita haturkan kepada junjungan kita nabi besar Muhammad SAW. Teman-teman yang saya sayangi dan guru-guru yang saya hormati. Saya di sini ingin menyampaikan pidato tentang pentingnya kesehatan bagi kehidupan kita. Semua orang di sini ingin sehat dan bugar, bukan? Seperti kita semua tahu bahwa kesehatan adalah faktor terpenting dalam hidup. Dengan kebiasaan makan yang baik dan melakukan aktivitas fisik secara teratur, kita selangkah lebih dekat ke kehidupan yang lebih sehat. Hidup dengan gaya hidup sehat juga bisa bermanfaat tidak hanya secara fisik tapi...

the importance saving money

Assalamualaikum wr. wb. Good morning all the respectable principal, the teachers and all the staff, and my dear beloved friends. Let me to say thank you for this opportunity to deliver my speech in this nice day about saving money. If we have the habit of saving money this will give us a lot of advantages, but this is not easy. Most of us know that it is important to save money, but we let ourselves be carried away by impulses of buying everything that interest us and we do not have a good money management, this can affect our future. Therefore, I would like to give you my view on the advantages of saving money for teenagers. Dear Audience, By saving money, we can have the possibility of enjoying a healthy financial future and reach our plans and goals. What do I mean by this? people who save from a very young age can aspire to a better financial future. Although saving requires short-term sacrifices, after several years of savings and side aside our money, we can en...

Pidato Bahasa Inggris dampak positif dan negatif penggunaan internet

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. The honorable headmaster of SMA Negeri 1 Belitang jaya, the honorable all teachers and administration staff of SMA Negeri 1 Belitang Jaya, the honorable college students of STKIP Nurul Huda and my lovely friends Let’s pray and gratitude to ALLAH SWT for blessing and mercy, therefore we can gather in flag ceremony in good condition. Salawat and salam to our prophet Muhammad SAW. Ladies and gentlemen. Today I would like to deliver the speech with the theme positive and negative effect of using internet. The reasons people use internet are, firstly, for information. Internet contains many files, such as news, articles, books, and other kinds of information, so that many people look for information on internet. Secondly, people use internet for connecting with other people around the world. By using internet, people can keep in touch with their friends, relatives, or new people via social networks. Then, people use internet for transfer files...

Pidato bahasa inggris tentang pendidikan karakter

Assalamualaikum wr. wb The honorable   Principal of SMA Negeri 1 Belitang Jaya, the honorable all teacher and administration staff   of SMA Negeri 1 Belitang Jaya, the honorable   collage students from STKIP Nurul Huda, and all my dearest friends. First of all, let’s praise and gratitude to God who has given grace and favor so that we can all come together in this place in a healthy condition without any obstruction. Ladies and Gentlemen, In this nice occasion let me talk about the importance of character education for Indonesian people especially teenagers. Ladies and Gentlemen, Indonesia had been known as a civilized country since a long time ago, but in these few decades, this country gets moral degradation. therefore character education in Indonesia is absolutely needed to fix. It is a deliberately effort of the whole dimension of life to form the character optimally. It is a basic concept that is applied to the thoughts of someone to make their physique...

english speech abot dicipline

Assalamualaikum wr wb, At the beginning, we have to praise to Allah SWT. By all the gifts He has given, we are able to be here, to hold flag ceremony every Monday morning. The honorable the Principal of SMAN 1 Belitang Jaya. The honorable the vice principal of SMAN 1 Belitang Jaya The honorable all the teachers of SMAN 1 Belitang Jaya … and all students that I love so much. Today, I want to bring a message about discipline. Ladies and gentlemen … I often see a lot of students who are not discipline. I see they do not wear uniforms neatly, they do not use attributes such as school tie and black shoes. The warnings that have been given by teachers, do not make them pay attention., where every day there are still many students who break the rules. All of those errors, should not be regarded as a simple thing.  If they are used to break some simple rules, then of course they are also used to break bigger and more spacious rules. Ladies and gentlemen … I think we do ...